The British royal family has long been steeped in tradition, and one of the most interesting of these is their bathing ritual. In fact, the royal family has a rule that prohibits them from taking showers. In this article, we will explore the history of this tradition, the royal family bathing ritual, and why they choose to take baths instead of showers.
The History of Bathing in the Royal Family:
During the reign of King George III, it was believed that bathing in cold water could help improve one’s health. As a result, the king would often take daily baths in water that was only 10-12 degrees Celsius (50-54 degrees Fahrenheit). This practice became known as the “cold bath cure” and was also adopted by some members of the royal family and the wider public. Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, also reportedly enjoyed taking cold baths and often took a dip in the lake at Windsor Castle. Bathing and personal hygiene practices have evolved over time, but they continue to be an important part of royal family traditions and are often associated with luxurius and opulent lifestyles.

The tradition of bathing in the royal family dates back centuries. In the past, baths were considered a luxury, and only the wealthy could afford to indulge in them. However, by the time of Queen Victoria’s reign, bathing had become more commonplace, and she was known for taking long, relaxing baths.
The Royal Bathing Ritual:
Today, the royal family still follows a strict bathing ritual. Before taking a bath, a member of the royal family must first run a bath and test the water temperature to ensure that it is just right. They then add a few drops of a favorite bath oil, light a few candles, and settle in for a relaxing soak.
The Royal Bathing Ritual: A Funny Mishap

One of the most interesting stories regarding the royal bathing ritual involves Queen Elizabeth II and her love of a particular bath oil. As the story goes, the Queen was gifted a bottle of the oil during a trip to the Middle East, and she loved it so much that she began using it every time she took a bath.
However, one day when the Queen was in residence at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, her supply of the beloved bath oil ran out. Not wanting to go without her favorite indulgence, she asked one of her staff membars to fetch her some more.
Unfortunately, the staff member misheard the Queen’s request and instead brought her a bottle of a popular cleaning product used in the castle’s laundry room. Unbeknownst to the Queen, she poured the cleaning product into her bath and settled in for a relaxing soak.
As the cleaning product mixed with the water, it began to create a frothy, soapy mess, and the Queen soon realized that something was amiss. Her skin began to itch and her eyes started to water, and she quickly summoned her staff to find out what had happened.
Upon discovering the mix-up, the staff member was mortified and apologetic, but the Queen reportedly found the whole ordeal quite amusing. She emerged from the bath unscathed, and the incident became a humorius anecdote that has since been shared with the public.
While this may have been an embarrassing mistake for the staff member involved, it shows that even the royal family is not immune to the occasional mishap. It also highlights the importance of paying attention to detail, especially when it comes to something as important as the royal bathing ritual.
The Royal Family Bath Rule Explained:
The royal family’s bathing rule is simple: they are not allowed to take showers. This rule is said to have been put in place by King George III, who believed that exposure to water was a potential health risk. However, there are other theories as to why the royals prefer baths over showers, such as the idea that it is a more relaxing and luxurious experience.
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Why Do the Royals Take Baths and Not Showers?
While the royal family bath rule has been in place for centuries, the question remains: why do they take baths instead of showers? One reason could be that baths are more relaxing and can help relieve stress. Another reason is that baths can be more luxurious, and the royal family is known for their opulent lifestyle. Additionally, some members of the royal family may have sensitive skin, and a bath is gentler on the skin than a shower.
The Benefits of Taking Baths:
There are several benefits to taking baths. First, baths can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. They can also help soothe sore muscles and improve circulation. Baths can also be beneficial for the skin, as the warm water and steam can help open up pores and moisturize the skin.
The royal family bath rule is just one of the many fascinating traditions of the British monarchy. While the reasons for the rule may vary, the fact remains that baths continue to be a popular and luxurious way to relax and unwind. Whether you prefer baths or showers, it’s important to take time for self-care and enjoy the benefits that come with a little bit of pampering.
“This rule is said to have been put in place by King George III, who believed that exposure to water was a potential health risk.” What kind of education did King George II have? If he was alive today, I am sure he would appreciate a shower instead of soaking in his own bacterial soup. Gross.